Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chemistry 1st Qtr July 23-24


Nature of light

Christian Huygen (1629-1695)
-stated that light, like sound, is a wave motion


His idea met many opposite


> Sir Isaac Newton (1647-1727)
- one of the GIANTS in science who opposed the idea [lyt doz nut trabel n wabe mosyon >:( ]
- formulated his own particle theory of light

Isaac's Theory of Light :3
Light is a very small particle which travels in straight lines.
(Newtonian Theory of the Nature of Light)

> Maxwell (1864)
- predicted that an alternating current in a circuit would radiate energy in the form of ELECTROMAGNETIC waves travelling through vacuum at the speed of light

> Heinrich Hertz
- did a demo thru an experiment 'the electromagnetic nature of light' to confirm Maxwell's interpretation

Classical Idea:
I. light is a WAVE

nature of light

II. Quantum Nature of Light

Max Planck (1858-1947)
- radiation energy is not continuous
- occurs in PACKETS or PIECES

PACKETS - Quanta
PIECES - Quanta

Quanta Hypothesis:
- thought light was a particle

Photon - quantum of electromagnetic radiation

( the higher the energy the shorter the wave :D)

Albert Einstein
- applied the photon model of light to explain the PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT
- won the Nobel Prize for PHYSICS

DUALISM in Nature
behaviour of Light
1. Wave
2. Particle
each can explain one set of phenomena but is in compatible w/ the other set.

Louis de Broglie (1892-1987)
- proposed a dualistic nature of light to explain its behaviour
- to there is a relationship between frequency & energy of photons w/ the wave nature of radiations
- correlate the motion of each particle to a certain wave characterizes its wave properties
- won him a Nobel Prize

- combined Rutherford's nuclear atom, Planck's quantum nature, Maxwell's wave model & Newton's Lay of motion
- formed 4 postulates

1. A hydrogen atom consists of a nucleus containing a proton & an electron
2. Only certain orbits are permitted
3. Energy of the e- in a given orbit is fined. As long as the electron stays in that orbit, it neither absorbs nor radiates energy. (stationary state/ground)
4. Electron may move from one stationary state to another (excited state x 3) to do so, it must absorb or emit a quantity of energy

Energy Levels in an Atom
Bohr proposed the energy levels based from the idea of Bohr who proposed that the movement of e- is analogous to the planets orbiting around the sun.
- orbits-> energy level

-> the orbits where the e-'s are located
n= 1,2,3,4,etc...
-> compared to a building, the nucleus being the basement and the high levels are the different shells :D
-> each level being greater than the previous

-> although a number of e-s may be found in the same main energy level, they may be found in different sublevels

Main Energy Level 1 is found in Subshell type 1s
MEL = 2 : ST = 2s,2p
MEL = 3 : ST = 3s, 3p, 3d
MEL = 4 : ST = 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f

# of sublevels = assigned nos. for the main energy level

-> region around the nucleus in which e-s will most likely be found
- rooms for electrons
- 1 orbital can only accommodate a max. number of 2 electrons

max. # of e-'s that can = 2n^2
occupy a level/shell
h=main energy level

How many electrons can occupy the 9th Main energy level?
2n^2 = 2(9)^2 = 2(81) = 162 electrons can occupy the 9th Main energy level


- ground state configuration
(How electrons arrange/themselves in atoms)

1. Orbital Energy Diagram (OED)
2. Orbital Diagram Notation (ODN)
3. Electron Configuration (EC)
4. Nobel Gas Abbreviation
5. Shell Configuration

1. OED
-uses boxes and arrows and breaks down each subshell into individual ORBITALS and ENERGY

3 PRINCIPLES in filling up the ORBITALS

* Aufbau Principle*
- electrons are added one at a time starting at the orbital w/ the LOWEST energy (1s)

*Pauli's Exclusion Principle
- an orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons...

The up arrow represents the direction: clockwise; the down arrow is counter clockwise.

*Hund's Rule of Multiplicity
- electrons entering a sublevel containing more than one orbital will be spread out with their spins in the SAME direction so that electrons are distributed singly before they are paired.

Practice :)
show the orbital energy of diagram of F(z=9)

2. ODN
- uses boxes & arrows and breaks down each subshell into ORBITALS
- similar to OED except that the direction of increasing energy is from left to right

show the orbital diagram of NA (z=11)

He (z=2)




N (z=7)




3. EC
- uses letters and nos. & denotes only the TOTAL nos. of electrons in each subshell


2 - principle energy level
p - represents the sublevel
3 - total nos. of electrons in sublevel

ex. Write the electron configuration of Na (z=11)
White the full EC of each of the ff:







Cr (z=24)
1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^4

4s^2 -> 4s^1
3d^4 -> 3d^5

Cu (z=29)
1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^9

4s^2 -> 4s^1
3d^9 -> 3d^10

Filled Orbital > Half-filled Orbital > Partially filled Orbital

Types of Electrons
1. Valence electrons (v.e.)
- e-'s in the outermost principal energy level/shell
- ones involved in the chemical reactions

2. CORe elctrons (c. e.)
- e-'s that don't participate in chemical reactions

Noble Gas Abbreviation
- shortcut way of writing....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

World History June 23, 2008 1st Qtr


> Indo-Europeans from Anatolia (rich in iron)
> conquered Babylon but didn't destroy it

1185 BC - destroyed by the Sea People
Information: Capital at Hattusas (Hittite City)

>Superiority due to Indo-European descend
> Monopoly of Iron

> Non-semitic people who occupied Babylon
> Integreation into Babylonian culture

Assyrians -> hilly
> Semites (Assur) - never threatened by salinization -N. Tigris

Tiglath Pileser I fear & fright (Nineveh)

Tiglath Pileser III - conquest (loot, stole the loot)
>transformed army
>religious & military ideology (Ashur)
>centralized administration
>popular participation
>terror to evoke fear

* Asur - god - N. Tigris
Assyrians -> disunited (civil war)-> capital (unified) in Nineveh

Sannacherib - library @ Nineveh, aqueducts 200s, destroyed Babylon - crazy zoos

Why'd Babylon fall to Hittites?
1. Salinization
2. Weak Alliances
3. New War Tech

Esarhaddon - rebuilt Babylon
Fall: (612 BC) Chaldean & Medes Alliances
Assurbanipal Chaldean -> New Babylonians -> built CAPITAL at Babylon

Nebuchadnezzar (fearful) (605-562 BC) - destroyed Jerusalem (Babylonian Exile) 586 BC
-> Tower of Babel (dedicated to God: Marduk/Elil), Hanging Gardens
539 BC - Cyrus of Persia -> Astrology (movement)


Abraham (worshipped El) from Mesopotamia (1900 BC)-> Canaan (1500 BC)Middle Kingdom -> Egypt -> Moses (Ramses II)
Joshua - Judges - Kings
> N: Israel (Samaria): 722 BC Assyrians
> S: Judah (Jerusalem): 586 BC Babylon
539 BC - Cyrus (Persian)
520-516 - Temple
332 BC - Alexander the Great
186 BC - Maccabean revolt
63 BC - Roman Occupation
70 - AD - Destruction of the Temple/Diaspora
-> Judaism
-> Deutoronomic Code
-> Literature (Old Testament)
-> Polytheism
-> Monolatry (Transcendental Theology)
-> Prophetic Revolution
-> Post - Exile/Eschatology

- leader of the tribe in Mesopotamia
- moved from UR to Canaan
- loyal top god: EL
- has other children (insignificant)

Haggar/Haggai - helper/katulong ni Abraham
Their child: Ishmael (fathered by Abraham) - came fromt he Arabic people
Haggar and Ishmael were exiled to roam the desert

- Abraham's wife
- (God: you will conceive a child) Isaac

Sons of Isaac: Esau, Jacob

Jacob = Israel, inherited the birth right of Isaac

Jacob's song: Joseph

- freedom
- led people to the Exodus
- Sinai
- 10 commandments


Judges -> wise men
> prepared people for war
> led Israelites to Canaanites (occupied Philistines)

-> one of the judges (Saul, who committed suicide)
-> designated the 1st King of Israel
-> designated David as 2nd King

El = Yahweh

Unified Kingdom
N. Israel - sent to Lebanon

.wisest man of all.
.compromised w/ other kingdoms.
.many wives.
."Jerusalem" - capital (no rish resources)
.divided the kingdom - when he died

N & S kingdoms

North Kingdom - Israel
Capital: Samarian:
- intermarried other people
- impure-> Assyrians

South Kingdom - Judah
Capital: Jerusalem
- conquered by Babylonians
(Nebuchadnezzer) -> Babylonian exile/captivity

Temple - destroyed by Babylonians
Alexander the Great conquered everything

Maccabean Revolt
-> Epiphanes Antiochus
- desicrated the temple
people = angry :D
(disrespected Judas Maccabas)

Romans = Roman Occupation
Legacies of Hebrew people
> Religion = Judaism
-> 1st among the monotheistic religions

Judaism - El = Yahweh (only god)
- transcendental
- god didn't operate w/ the nature
- Prophetic Revolution
* many prophets
- speaks in behalf of somebody/ god
live good lives
-> Eschatology
. started to believe in a Messiah = Savior Jesus

Phoenicians (Lebanon people)
- traders - Seamen -> port city: Carthage
- "sharers & carriers of Civilization
1) Cedar (wood)
vast forests
2) Export of glass
3) Export of purple dye

Cities of Phoenicians: -Tyre, Sidon

-Alphabet :D

Lydians (coins)
- adaptation of the coin
Rich as Croessus (man of many coins)
coin - made of precious metal

Persians (Iran)
- occupied parts of Mesopotamia
3 prominent leaders:
1) Cyrus
- conquered Babylonians
- built an empire that covers the near east up to Egypt

2) Darius
- extended it to India
- didn't occupy Greece

3) Xerxes
- didn't occupy Greece (he too big :)

- where he governed the vast empire
- diplomatic

We owe them:
1) efficient administration
- deviced several methods
- postal system (Royal Road)
- 20 provinces - each w/ governor by the audited 'ears' & 'eyes'

Standards (common units) - weight, measurement, language
-> official Aramaic - language of Jesus Christ

2) religion: Zoroastrianism
prophet: Zoro Aster
god: Ahura Mazda (god of Light) vs. Ahriman (God of Darkness)
-> Holy Book: Zend - Avesta
- live ethical good lives

Friday, July 18, 2008

Physical Education III July 14, 2008 1st Qtr

1) All games should be played in two out three sets or three out of five sets
2) There are six active players inside the court
3) The team may decided to have/enlist a libero in their entry form the Libero should have uniform different from the players

A. The LIBERO is restricted to perform as a backplayer (1,6,5) and has no right at all to complete an attack hit when the ball is above the height of the top of the net

4) Rally point scoring system - when one receiving team winning a rally scores a point when the receiving team wins a rally, the team has the right to serve and its players rotate one position clockwise.
5) Playing formula - a set (except the deciding 5th set) is won by the team which first scored 25 points with a minimum lead of 2 points. In the case of a 24-24 tie, play is continued until a 2 point lead is achieved. The 5th set is still played to 15 points.
6) During set 1-4, there are 2 'technical-timeouts' per set, each lasting 90 seconds. They are applied automatically when the leading team first reaches 8 points and 16 points.
7) The server must hit the ball within 8 seconds after the 1st referee whistles.
8) For misconduct behavior - the opponent scored 1 point and takes the right to serve

Yellow card - warning
Red card - expulsion
Yellow & Red cards - disqualification

9) A team is allowed to hit the ball three (3) times only and a player is not allowed to hit the ball twice consecutively

1) First Referee (standing on a referee's stand)
> has authority over all officials
> directs the match from the start until the end
> His decisions are final
> performs the coin toss with team captains
> has the right to sanction misconducts & delays

2) Second Referee/Umpire (Standing at the post on the opposite side and facing the 1st referee)
> should the 1st referee unable to continue his work, he may replace him
> he controls the number of time-out & substitutions
> He takes charge of the penetration into the opponent's court under the net (crossing the centerline)

3) Scorer (seated on the scorer's table)
> He keeps the official score sheet and cooperates with 2nd referee
> He records the numbers and names of the players, score, time-outs, substitutions, sanctions, warnings, & penalties

4) Linesmen (they stand at the corners of the court from the service area)
> they control the endlines and the sidelines
> they signal the ball 'IN' and 'OUT'

> overhead
> underhead serve
> forearm serve
> set
> jump set
> dig pass
> spike
> block

Christian Living III July 17, 2008 1st Qtr

Eucharist & the Basic Prayers

Sacred Scriptures
Isaiah 29:13

Prayer - must be accompanied by the spirit of service, justice, and concern for the welfare of others.

What are the Basic Christian Prayers?
> Apostle's Creed
> Lord's Prayer
> Hail Mary
> Glory be

Where do you think these prayers came from?

What are the 2 kinds of prayer?
1 Spontaneous
2 Formula

1 Formula Prayer
> rooted in the Sacred Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church
> contains the basic doctrines of our faith

Church Teaching: CFC 1480
"Authentic prayer is always rooted in the heart, and related to the neighbor in loving compassion & service

The Eucharist is the highest form of prayer and worship to God.


Basic Elements of a Shared Meal
1. Coming Together
2. dialog
3. Sharing of food & drink

2 Spontaneous
> We use our own words
> comes from our heat
> it expresses freely what we want to say
> Pattern
A - adoration
C - contrition
T - thanksgiving
S - supplication
O - offering

Established Parts of the Mass
> Introductory Rite
> Liturgy of the Word
> Liturgy of the Eucharist
> Communion Rite
> Concluding Rite


- most sacred of all vessels
- the cup which holds the wine for consecration
- after consecration, it contains the precious BLOOD of JESUS

- used to hold the small hosts distributed for the communion of the faithful
- resembles the chalice, except it has cover

- small plate on which the host is laid. It is made to fit the chalice

CRUETS (water & wine)
- are the vessels from which the acolyte pours water & wine into the chalice held by the celebrant

INCENSE (+incense boat)
- a perfume burned on certain occasions, as at high Mass and benediction
- symbol of prayer

- the larger metal container used for exposition and benediction of the blessed Sacrament

- contains prayer, ceremonies

- container of big HOST


- the square of fine linen w/ a small cross worked int he center

- a small square piece of linen starched stiff, used to cover the chalice

- an oblong piece of linen, folded thrice, placed over the chalice
- wipe the inside of the CHALICE before putting in the wine and after the ABLUTION; he also wipes his mouth with it after the ablution

VESTMENTS (stole, white, green, purple, red, black)

- long silk band that fits around the neck and crossed on the breast of the priest

- upper most vestment worn by the celebrant at mass

- a piece of white linen cloth within covers the priest's shoulders

- a white linen tunic which envelopes the priest's whole body

- the chord that fastens the alb at the waist

- a short narrow strip of cloth which hangs from the left arm


- worn during Christmastide and Easter time, on the feasts of our Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and Confessors

- throughout the year,from the 14th January till the ever of Septuagesima Sunday, from Monday after Trinity Sunday till the eve of the 1st Sunday of Advent

- used at Pentecost in commemoration of the descent of the Holy, in the form of tongues of fire
- used on the feasts of the Apostles and Martyrs, feasts commemorating the Passion of our Lord and the sacred relics
- worn during Advent and Lent, as well as on Rogation Days, on Ember months except those on Pentecost octave and on the 4 vigils of the feasts of the Assumption, St. John the Baptist, St. Pete and Paul and St. Lawrence



> entrance/ song anticipation
> greeting
> penitential rite
> kyrie, gloria
Opening Prayer

> Readings
- 1st reading => Ordinary Time
- 2nd reading => New Time
- Gospel => Gospel (4)
> Responsorial Psalm
- allows us to use the words of scripture to respond to God's word to us
> Gospel Acclamation
> Homily
-living explanation of the world
- should be like a 'mini-skirt', short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover the substance.
> Intercession (Prayers of the Faithful)
sequence: for the needs of the CHURCH, PUBLIC AUTHORITIES, and SALVATION of the WORLD, OPPRESSED by any NEED and LOCAL COMMUNITY

> Preparation of GIFTS
> Prayer over the gifts
> Eucharistic Prayer
- Narrative of the Institution
- Anamnesis (memorial)
- Oblation (offertory)
- Communion Epiclesis
- Intercession
- Doxology
> Thanksgiving (Sanctus)
Consecratory Epiclesis
-> invocation for the HS

1. Our Father - a prayer for forgiveness

2. Rite of Peace

3. Breaking of thr Bread
a. Breaking of the Bread
b. Agnus Dei - an invocation to Christ
c. Commingling - dropping of a small particle form the bread to the chalice

4. Communion Prayer
a. Prayer before communion, showing of the host
b. Communion Prayer
c. Post - Communion Prayer

5. Concluding Rites
a. blessing
b. Solemn Dismissal
Missa - mass, other interpretation 'to send', 'to dismiss'

Purposes of the Mass
. adore God
. thank God
. ask for God's blessings
. ask God's pardon for our sins

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

World History July 8, 2008 1st Qtr

1. What continent is Egypt found in? AFRICA.
2. In the West of Egypt, you will find the SAHARA DESERT.
3. The river that runs through Egypt is the River NILE.
4. The source of the river Nile is LAKE VICTORIA of the country, UGANDA.
5. The King of Egypt is the PHAROAH.
6. The legendary king to unify the upper and lower Egypt is MENES.
7. The first pharoah to order construction of pyramids is ZOSER/DJOSER/SOSER.
8. The last King of Egypt, and fell to the Romans is CLEOPATRA.
9. To whom is dedicated the greatest pyramid of all is KHUFU.
10.Are there only 20 pyramids in Egypt? Yes or No? NO
11.The Old Kingdom is the TIME OF PYRAMIDS
12.During the Old Kingdom; only the pharoah is mummified. Yes or No? YES
13.East is to Life, the land of the dead is WEST.
14.Who are the foreign rulers of Egypt? HYKSOS
15.First powerful female pharoah is Hatshepsut
16.Heretic pharoah who tried to change the religion of Egyptians is AKHENATION and his god ATON.
17.Who is the young pharoah who replaced Akhenation is TUTANKHAMEN.
18.Who discovered his tomb? HOWARD CARTER
19.The Egyptian way of writing is HIEROGLYPHICS
20.Plant where paper comes from is reed.
21.Name of endearment to Egypt is GIFT of the NILE
22.Prime minister of Great Britain is GORDON BROWN
23.President of France is President NICOLAS SARKOZY
24.Eight members countries of the G8:
25. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was elected president of Indonesia on September 20, 2004.

EGYPT - protected by the bodies of water and the Sahara desert
EGYPT "GIFT OF THE NILE" (black silt)
N - Mediterranean Sea
E - Red Sea
W - Sahara Desert (Red Land) land of the dead
NILE 4000 km
Lake Victoria(Uganda), Blue Nile(Ethiopia), White Nile(Uganda)-3 sources of the NILE
Upper Egypt (S)- water passes through it first think strip of land
Lower Egypt (N)- fan shaped delta (paa ng chicken)

Ancient Season of Egypt
Akdet - Flooding - Inundation
Peret - Growth
Shemis- Drought (Harvest)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chemistry July 8, 2008 1st Qtr

> A calculated answer can't be more precise than the measuring tool
> A calculated answer must watch at least precise measurement
> SF - needed for final answers from:
1. Adding/Subtracting
2. Multiplying/Dividing

1000 meters in a kilometre
60 seconds in a minutes

These numbers are examples of exact numbers. These are definite, not measurements. A definite has infinite numbers of significant digits & will NOT affect the significant digits in the final answer.

The answer has the same decimal paces as the measurements with the fewer/fewest decimal places.

25.2 (has 1 decimal place) + 1.34 (has 2 decimal places)= 26.54
answer: 26.5 (1 decimal place)

Try it Yourself!
246.213 ml + 79.91 ml + 8786.268 ml= 9112.391 ml
answer: 9112.39 ml

Multiplying & Dividing
When 2 measurements are multiplied (or divided), the answers should contain as many significant digits as the less precise measurements (lower number of significant figures)
eg. 3.06*1.4=4.3 (COPY the LEAST # of significant figures) in this case it's 1.4, which has 2 significant figures

Try it Yourself!
answer: 8*10^7

Rounding Off Numbers
> when the question asks you to estimate
> an answer is different to obtain

Scientific Notation
> way of expressing really big or small numbers
> often used in 'scientific' calculations where the analysis must be very precise

2 parts:
N * 10^x
x - integer, positive (+) or negative (-)
N - Mantissa >=1 & <10

To change standard form to scientific Notation
e.g. 5,673,098

Exponent is + -> greater than 1
- -> less than 1

e.g. 289,800,000

e.g. 0.000567

To change SN -> SF
e.g. 0.0059*10^5
+ -> move to the right
- -> move to the left

Monday, July 7, 2008

Geometry July 7, 2008 1st Qtr

Other Theorems & Postulates

Distance Postulate
> to every pair of different points there corresponds a unique positive real number.

definition of Distance Postulate:
the distance between two points is the number given by the Distance Postulate. If the points are P & Q, then the distance is denoted as PQ/QP.

The Ruler Postulate
The point of a line can be placed in correspondence with the real numbers such that:

1) to every point of the line there corresponds exactly one real number.
2) to every real number there corresponds exactly one point of the line, and
3) there distance between any two points is the absolute value of the difference of the corresponding real number

definition of Ruler Postulate:
any real number corresponding to a given point is called the coordinate of a point. The one-to-one correspondence between the points of a line and the set/real numbers is called a coordinate system.

Ruler Placement Postulate
given two points P & Q of a line, the coordinate system can be chosen such that the coordinate of P is zero & the coordinate of Q is positive. (assigning points)

Segment Construction Postulate
Let RD be a ray, & let X be a positive number. Then there is exactly one point P of RD such that RP=X


> a set of convex if for any two points in A & B in it, the whole segment AB is also entirely in it. (should always be shaded)

Line Separation Postulate
> a point separates a line into two half lines, each of which is a convex set

Plane Separation Postulate
> a line separates a plane into two half-planes each of which is a convex set

Space Separation Postulate
> a plane separates space into two half-spaces each of which is a convex set

Angles & Angles Measurements
union of two non collinear rays with a common endpoint

Angle Measurement Postulate
> to every angle there corresponds a unique positive real number between 0-180. This number is the degree measure of the angle

Angle Construction Postulate
> let H be half plane edge, AB. There is exactly one ray AC with B in H such that angle CAB has a given measure between 0-180.

Congruent Angles
> measures are equal

Angle Bisector
> ray bisects an angle if it divides the angle into two congruent parts

Angle Bisector Postulate
> every angle has exactly one bisector

Angle Addition Postulate
> if P is the interior of angle MAN, then m angle MAN=m angle PAM+m angle PAN

> two lines are perpendicular lines if they intersect to form right angles
> a line, ray, segment, or plane is the perpendicular bisector of a segment if it is perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint

Friday, July 4, 2008

English III 1st Qtr July 3, 2008

Kind of Adjectives
1. Possessive Adjectives
its, their, her, his, your, my, our

2. Descriptive (Qualitative)
color, shape, size, texture, physical attributes

3. Quantitative - numbers

three pens - Numerical

several friends - Indefinite

this house - Demonstrative

which bag - Interrogative

4. Determiners (the, an, a)

Geometry 1st Qtr July 3, 2008

The Basic Postulate
Postulate #1 Midpoint Postulate
"every segment has exactly one midpoint"

Postulate #2 Points Postulate
A line contains infinite points

Postulate #3 Lines Postulate
For every two points there is exactly one line that contains both points

Postulate #4 Plane Postulate
Any 3 points lie in at least one plane
Any 3 non collinear points lie in exactly one plane

Postulate #5 Space Postulate
A space contains at least 4 non collinear points

Postulate #6 Flat Plane Postulate
If two points of a line lie in a plane, then the line lies in the same plane

Postulate #7 Plane Intersection Postulate
If two different planes intersect then their intersection is a line

Postulate #8 Distance Postulate
To every pair of different points there corresponds a unique positive real number

The distance between two points is the number given by the Distance Postulate. If the points are P and Q, then the distance is demoted as PQ or QP

Postulate #9 The Ruler Postulate
The points of a line can be placed in correspondence with the real numbers such that to every...
> point of the line there corresponds exactly one real number
> number there corresponds exactly one point of the line; and the distance between any two points is the absolute value of the difference of the corresponding real number.
-> Any real number corresponding to a given point is called the coordinate of a point. The one to one correspondence between the point of a line and the set or real numbers is called a coordinate system

Postulate #10 The Ruler Placement Postulate
Given two points P and Q of a line, the coordinate system can be chosen such that the coordinate of P is zero and the coordinate of Q is positive

Postulate #11 Segment Construction Postulate
Let a RD be a ray, and let x be a positive number then there's exactly one point P of RP such that RP=x.


2.1 Theorem Line Intersection Theorem
If two different lines intersect, their intersection contains only one point

2.2 Line-Plane Intersection Theorem
If a line intersects a plane not containing it, then the intersection contains only one point.

2.3 Point-Line Plane Theorem
Given a line and a point not on the line there is exactly one plane containing both

2.4 Intersecting Lines Planes Theorem
Given two intersecting lines, there is exactly one plane containing both

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chemistry July 3, 2008 1st Qtr

Scientific Measurement

Scientific figures in measurement
*The numbers reported in a measurement are limited by the measuring tool
*Significant figures in a measurement include the known digits plus one estimated digit

Counting Significant Figures
38.15 cm -- 4
5-6 ft -- 2
All non zero digits in a measured number are significant

Heading Zeroes
0.008m -- 1
0.015607-- 8
Leading zeroes in decimal numbers are not significant

Sandwiched zeroes
50.8 mm -- 3
2001 minutes -- 4
Zeroes between non zero numbers are significant

Trailing zeroes without decimal
25,000 in -- 2
200 yr -- 1
Trailing zeroes in numbers without decimals are not significant if they are serving as place holders

Trailing zeroes with decimal
34.000 in -- 5
201.00 in -- 5
Trailing zeroes in numbers with decimals are significant

Significant numbers in calculations
-A calculated answer can't be more precise than the measuring tool

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

World History June 24, 2008 1st Qtr

Mesopotamia Civilization

cradle of Civilization - Iraq - Mesopotamia

Robert Braidwood:
> ample rain
> wild ancestors of domesticated flock
> edible plants

Importance of Settling
>aggricultural revolution
> need to have permanent settlements
> food sources shifted, scarcity of food
> child rearing
> Hassuna: houses, pots, aesthetic achievement

Mesopotamia 'between rivers'
Tigris - stronger current
- lands near the twin rivers are fertile-
> fish, water fowl
> swamps, marshes
> weather: summer (hot because it's a desert), winter (strong stormy south wind), spring (flooded)

> 1st inhabitants of Mesopotamia
> farmers, builders
> intermarrying of nomads of Semitic nomads of Syrian Desert and Arabian Peninsula
> offspring are Sumerians

Ubaidians x Semitic Nomads = Sumerians

kish -> Erech ETANA -> Dumuzi, Gilgamesh
Elamites (nomads)
Adab Lugallannemmundu
INTERMEDIATE - break, division, distortion
Lagash Eannatum
Umma Lugalzaggesi ->
Sargon of Kish, Akkadia Era

COMPUTER III 1st Qtr July 1, 2008

TC Program
> DOS (Disk Operating System) Base Program

-> directory
-> program files, accessories

[A, C, D, E, F]
> File Allocation Drive

Turbo C - symbols

Visual Basic - words


" A good programmer is a good planner"
=> knows how to organize

PROGRAM => the instruction, output, presentation

PROGRAMMING => process


Algorithm - logical procedure ( logical)
Pseudocode - outline form (textual)
Flowchart - graphical representation, graphical of algorithm (Data Flow Diagram, Blueprint of the Program)

Fundamentals of Programming
(Data Handling in Programming)

Type of Information
> numeric (integer, float/double)
> alphanumeric data (number, character, string)
> date & time (day, month, year, hour, etc.)
> logical data (true, false)

> numbers, whole, real

integer - whole numbers

float & double - numbers with fractional parts

> numbers, alphabets, special characters

Number - numbers that can't be used in operations

Character - a single variable

String - combination of variables

> holds the day, month, year (date), hour, minute, and second (time)

2 values : TRUE (any value), FALSE (zero 0)

> name chosen to represent an item/value
e.g. x = :P

> never changes. DEFINITE
e.g. x = 5, formula, pi=3.1416
> identifiers

> symbols that indicate the operation to be performed on the data

-> Arithmetic -> Relational -> Logical

U - Unary (+/-)
P - parenthesis
E - exponents (^ is caret)
M - multiplication
D - divide
A - addition
S - subtraction

- comparing 2 values
!=, <>

- determine if a condition is satisfied




categories of programming language

natural language of the computer that generally consists of strings of numbers
(binary numbers -> 1,0 & bits)

programming language which uses mnemonic codes or abbreviations (a+b)

uses instructions that are expressed in a slightly more readable form (getch, printf, scanf)

uses English-like words/human-readable language (%-mod)


translates the whole program into machine language before executing the program, regardless of the syntax error (e.g. TC)

translates a program, line by line into machine language and stops once an error has been encountered (e.g. VB)

Visual Basic
> high-level program language
> interpreter
> creates applications for WINDOWS
> introduces windows-based programming

VB Structure
> Programming in VB is done in a graphical environment
> Contains tools for testing and creating VB programs (Integrated Development Environment)
> event-driven Programming Language
> an operation is executed as the result of some kind of event
>Object - oriented
> application programs are created using different objects (pro-choice)
>Well-defined structure
>utilizes a form module to create objects (no form, no interface)

A VB Programming Object has:

> characteristics of an object
> functions of an object that can be manipulated
> objects that can be placed on a form