> Indo-Europeans from Anatolia (rich in iron)
> conquered Babylon but didn't destroy it
1185 BC - destroyed by the Sea People
Information: Capital at Hattusas (Hittite City)
>Superiority due to Indo-European descend
> Monopoly of Iron
> Non-semitic people who occupied Babylon
> Integreation into Babylonian culture
Assyrians -> hilly
> Semites (Assur) - never threatened by salinization -N. Tigris
Tiglath Pileser I fear & fright (Nineveh)
Tiglath Pileser III - conquest (loot, stole the loot)
>transformed army
>religious & military ideology (Ashur)
>centralized administration
>popular participation
>terror to evoke fear
* Asur - god - N. Tigris
Assyrians -> disunited (civil war)-> capital (unified) in Nineveh
Sannacherib - library @ Nineveh, aqueducts 200s, destroyed Babylon - crazy zoos
Why'd Babylon fall to Hittites?
1. Salinization
2. Weak Alliances
3. New War Tech
Esarhaddon - rebuilt Babylon
Fall: (612 BC) Chaldean & Medes Alliances
Nebuchadnezzar (fearful) (605-562 BC) - destroyed Jerusalem (Babylonian Exile) 586 BC
-> Tower of Babel (dedicated to God: Marduk/Elil), Hanging Gardens
539 BC - Cyrus of Persia -> Astrology (movement)
Abraham (worshipped El) from Mesopotamia (1900 BC)-> Canaan (1500 BC)
Joshua - Judges - Kings
> N: Israel (Samaria): 722 BC Assyrians
> S: Judah (Jerusalem): 586 BC Babylon
539 BC - Cyrus (Persian)
520-516 - Temple
332 BC - Alexander the Great
186 BC - Maccabean revolt
63 BC - Roman Occupation
70 - AD - Destruction of the Temple/Diaspora
-> Judaism
-> Deutoronomic Code
-> Literature (Old Testament)
-> Polytheism
-> Monolatry (Transcendental Theology)
-> Prophetic Revolution
-> Post - Exile/Eschatology
- leader of the tribe in Mesopotamia
- moved from UR to Canaan
- loyal top god: EL
- has other children (insignificant)
Haggar/Haggai - helper/katulong ni Abraham
Their child: Ishmael (fathered by Abraham) - came fromt he Arabic people
Haggar and Ishmael were exiled to roam the desert
- Abraham's wife
- (God: you will conceive a child) Isaac
Sons of Isaac: Esau, Jacob
Jacob = Israel, inherited the birth right of Isaac
Jacob's song: Joseph
- freedom
- led people to the Exodus
- Sinai
- 10 commandments
Judges -> wise men
> prepared people for war
> led Israelites to Canaanites (occupied Philistines)
-> one of the judges (Saul, who committed suicide)
-> designated the 1st King of Israel
-> designated David as 2nd King
El = Yahweh
Unified Kingdom
N. Israel - sent to Lebanon
.wisest man of all.
.compromised w/ other kingdoms.
.many wives.
."Jerusalem" - capital (no rish resources)
.divided the kingdom - when he died
N & S kingdoms
North Kingdom - Israel
Capital: Samarian:
- intermarried other people
- impure-> Assyrians
South Kingdom - Judah
Capital: Jerusalem
- conquered by Babylonians
(Nebuchadnezzer) -> Babylonian exile/captivity
Temple - destroyed by Babylonians
Alexander the Great conquered everything
Maccabean Revolt
-> Epiphanes Antiochus
- desicrated the temple
people = angry :D
(disrespected Judas Maccabas)
Romans = Roman Occupation
Legacies of Hebrew people
> Religion = Judaism
-> 1st among the monotheistic religions
Judaism - El = Yahweh (only god)
- transcendental
- god didn't operate w/ the nature
- Prophetic Revolution
* many prophets
- speaks in behalf of somebody/ god
live good lives
-> Eschatology
. started to believe in a Messiah = Savior Jesus
Phoenicians (Lebanon people)
- traders - Seamen -> port city: Carthage
- "sharers & carriers of Civilization
1) Cedar (wood)
vast forests
2) Export of glass
3) Export of purple dye
Cities of Phoenicians: -Tyre, Sidon
-Alphabet :D
Lydians (coins)
- adaptation of the coin
Rich as Croessus (man of many coins)
coin - made of precious metal
Persians (Iran)
- occupied parts of Mesopotamia
3 prominent leaders:
1) Cyrus
- conquered Babylonians
- built an empire that covers the near east up to Egypt
2) Darius
- extended it to India
- didn't occupy Greece
3) Xerxes
- didn't occupy Greece (he too big :)
- where he governed the vast empire
- diplomatic
We owe them:
1) efficient administration
- deviced several methods
- postal system (Royal Road)
- 20 provinces - each w/ governor by the audited 'ears' & 'eyes'
Standards (common units) - weight, measurement, language
-> official Aramaic - language of Jesus Christ
2) religion: Zoroastrianism
prophet: Zoro Aster
god: Ahura Mazda (god of Light) vs. Ahriman (God of Darkness)
-> Holy Book: Zend - Avesta
- live ethical good lives
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