Sunday, June 22, 2008

World History June 19, 2008 1Qtr

35 Million years ago we had Apelike Ancestors that roamed the earth

Prehistoric - old, middle, new stone
Historic - Ancient, Middle, Modern

35 M years ago - Apelike Ancestors - lived in forests - for food - diet: edible plants
10 M years ago - due to drastic temperature change apelike ancestors moved to Savannahs - predators - diet: leftover prey

Due to the change of diet from edible plants to meat
1. Bipedality
this is a pic of what eating meat did to us
2. Brain Size (increase)
3. Marital Faithfulness - family
> this is when a male recognises his mate as the bearer of his children

WOMEN - child rearing (bearing)

M Erectus Sapiens
> to walk erect

Nomadic (10, 000)
> Neolithic Stone Age:
Agricultural Revolution

Ancestors had a nomadic nature, following the flow of food

Nomads to Settlers

Nomads vs. Settlers

Nomads - win due to instant food, they were stronger than settlers

Settlers - would have access to food during a certain period of time

more harvest = larger population
Catal Huyuk

families to Village (7000-6000 BC)
Jericho - first traces of villages

Villages - food production
1. Government - oversee food production through specialization, organized system
2. Stratification - functions (specialization of functions) - organized notion of the divine

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